Schorne Team Events
Christmas Praise and Worship
15/12/2024 6.00pm at Holy Cross St Mary's Church, Quainton
Our Christmas Praise and Worship Service is coming up on Sunday 15th December - 6.00pm in Quainton Church with our worship band, choir and singers. Let's join together in unity to celebrate Christmas
St Martin's Dunton Carol Service
24/12/2024 18.30pm at St Martin's Church, Dunton
All are welcome St Martin's Church Dunton at 18.30pm on Christmas Eve to celebrate the imminent arrival of Christ. Service led by Janet Bayly
A New Year's Concert
01/01/2025 11.00am at Holy Cross St Mary's Church, Quainton
Our New Year’s Day Concert – carrying on the great tradition of our greatly missed Geoffrey Heath – 11.00am . Live music from local singers and Musicians, Refreshments, Free entry, All Welcome
Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda
23/01/2025 7.00pm at Holy Cross St Mary's Church, Quainton
As part of our Jubilee 2025 Year of Hope, we have the Watoto Children’s Choir from Uganda performing for us on Thursday 23rd January at 7.00pm. Entry by Free Ticket only – offering taken on the ni